Rather than think of trading as a means of making or losing money, think of what you can learn from each trade and trading in general. Think of trading as going to university but with a pop quiz every day. Focus on what you are learning as you go through the trading experience. Every time you exit a position, look at the trade and try to identify what you learned rather than how much money you made or lost. Did I analyze the commodity correctly? Did I understand the driving forces that caused it to move? What should I learn before my next trade? Did I follow my plan? Did I enter the trade well? Did I exit the trade well? What were my emotions while I entered/exited the trade? What could I have done better? What did I do well? What did I do poorly?
This should give you an idea of the questions you can ask yourself to further your education. The point is to focus like a laser beam on learning, not on your profit and loss. Normally, people focus on how much money they have made or lost. But, in a way, that is irrelevant. The money will be made or lost on every trade. The real issue is whether or not your bankroll is increasing over a longer period, say a month, a quarter, or even a year. It is highly unlikely that you will make money over the long run if you do not constantly improve as a trader, particularly if you are not currently a profitable trader. equity intraday tips.
One of our primary reasons for buying it from him was that it allowed me to interview and learn from some of the best minds in the options industry and also allowed me access to books, systems, and other products so that I could learn more. stock advisory.
Remember, Mint was only the tip of the iceberg. They had a billion dollars but there were lots of other plain-vanilla trend followers in the market at the same time.
This should give you an idea of the questions you can ask yourself to further your education. The point is to focus like a laser beam on learning, not on your profit and loss. Normally, people focus on how much money they have made or lost. But, in a way, that is irrelevant. The money will be made or lost on every trade. The real issue is whether or not your bankroll is increasing over a longer period, say a month, a quarter, or even a year. It is highly unlikely that you will make money over the long run if you do not constantly improve as a trader, particularly if you are not currently a profitable trader. equity intraday tips.
One of our primary reasons for buying it from him was that it allowed me to interview and learn from some of the best minds in the options industry and also allowed me access to books, systems, and other products so that I could learn more. stock advisory.
Remember, Mint was only the tip of the iceberg. They had a billion dollars but there were lots of other plain-vanilla trend followers in the market at the same time.
How Robinhood works and how to trade stocks
ReplyDeleteHow to open trading account on Robinhood?
ReplyDeletedont waste your time and share your data and trades with the other markets. Robinhood sellls all the trade data to high frequency traders HFT that uses the real time data to trade against the trades by robin hood and other brokers selling the data. this sell out makes it nearly impossible for you to make any money as your trade is immediately purged and hedged against to make money for the HFT companies. Go to TD Ameritrade or another reputable broker. There is a reason that the trades are free and the moment you place a trade, you find your purchase in the red. They buy your trade at higher price you pay, as Robin Hood makes the spread difference from the purchase automatically and then your data is sold for other HFT and brokers to bet against you. I do non know why this is LEGAL. IT IS FRAUDULANT TO ALLOW TRADERS THE IDEA THEY HAVE A FIGHTING CHANCE WHEN IN ACTUALITY YOU BUY A ROBIN HOOD STOCK AND ALREADY YOU ARE INBEBTED (NEGATIVE) UNTIL THE LONG OR SHORT MAKES UP FOR THE ROBIN HOOD PROFIT THEN YOU HAVE TO FIGHT THE ODDS OF YOUR TRADES BEING PUBLIC TO THOSE THAT PURCHASE AND HEDGE AGAINST YOU FOR THE SPREAD. IN SHORT, IF IT IS FREE, YOU ARE PAYING DEARLY AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH YOU ARE GETTING SCREWED...